The provider shares their recommendations based on their independent research and expertise. You are under no obligation to purchase any products on this site. If you do choose to purchase through our links, the provider may receive a commission.
Vaginal & Rectal Trainers (Dilators)
Trainers (aka dilators) can help you break the vaginismus pain cycle or maintain a neovagina. Consult with your pelvic floor PT to find out the best size/type dilator to start with and how to progress slowly to prevent setbacks.

Intimate Rose Silicone Dilators (Full Set)

Intimate Rose Silicone Dilators (Small Set)

Intimated Rose Silicone Dilators (Medium Set)

Intimate Rose Silicone Dilators (Large Set)

VWELL Silicone Dilators (Full Set)

VWELL Super FIT Silicone Dilators (Extra Large Set)

Intimate Rose Rectal Dilators (Small Set)

Intimate Rose Rectal Dilators (Full Set)